In a nutshell, make sure feedback is given little and often, oh, and in a timely fashion as there is little point waiting until long after the event to address challenges or recognize your employees when they’ve done well.
Here are a few tips on how you can improve communication within your team and drive productivity:
Keep it simple and often!
Gone are the days of waiting for the annual performance appraisal to discuss impending and often built up challenges with your team. Feedback should be given regularly in order for your team to know how they are performing and areas they can improve giving them ample time to iron out any undesirable behaviors. Giving feedback does become easier, as they say, practice makes perfect.
Recognize positive behaviors
Positive reinforcement is equally as important as constructive feedback, This can have a wide-reaching impact on the team when they see others being recognized and praised for positive behaviors. Improves productivity and motivation.
Be specific.
Don’t be general and unclear, it doesn’t help your team progress, details are key. Be specific with regards to the event and circumstance that led to constructive feedback and be sure to provide details on the steps that need to be taken to see improvement.
Create a safe environment
Create an environment that makes it safe for people to give and receive feedback without the fear of repercussions. Ensure it is understood that this is for their benefit, the teams as well as the organization. For yourself, actively seek out feedback on ways you can improve, as you know, no-one is perfect.
Be proactive
Don’t wait to give feedback, make sure both positive and constructive feedback is given in a timely fashion so they are able to relate to what is being and able to act upon it and make behavioral change instantaneously.
Feedback given in the right way and at the right time can have a tremendous impact on your team’s motivation, don’t delay.