For obvious reason, the learning environment is changing, with many companies now adopting a more ‘virtual’ approach to training. As with any new experience, there is a period of adjustment that needs to be gone through, but the pros of digital learning can certainly outweigh the cons. Here are some of our top tips on how to embrace the new normal.
Digital Learning 101
- Try something new. With change comes the opportunity to try something new. Resistance to a different way of doing things becomes less prevalent and what may have been considered ‘too risky’ to try in the past could now be the liberating way forward. Digital learning, the blended journey and virtual training can all be part of a brave new world.
- Allow for technical issues. Allow within your design space for the inevitable distractions that are part and parcel of the virtual environment. The shaky internet connection, the ‘I can see you, but I can’t hear you’ scenario, the dog barking at the kids (or vice versa), can all make for a stressful virtual session for both presenter and participant. Try to Include a Producer in your digital learning plans, someone who has your back when issues arise.
- It’s a journey, not a destination. Single, stand-alone sessions are rarely the best approach. Consider instead the learner’s journey and how their understanding can develop over time.
- Proper Preparation. With so many moving parts having a robust training plan, (and a backup) is really a must. Technical issues, domestic distractions, and shifting priorities aside your agenda should be prepared to pivot if and when necessary.
- Keep the input quick. Someone speaking for more than 5 minutes can quickly move into monologue territory. Your audience will appreciate the input that’s quick, sharp, and relevant.
- Encourage participation. Involve your audience as much as possible in the virtual training experience; quizzes, word searches, virtual break out rooms, polls, chats, surveys, whiteboards, video inserts, response icons, and User Generated Content all help to keep participants engaged and energy levels high.
- Be clear about your objectives. Clearly defining the learning needs you want to address is the starting point for any effective virtual training experience. Look at where your participants are now, where they need to be, and how you can best help them to get there. Once the objective is clear the tools and techniques required for the journey become more apparent.
- The Blended Journey. The digital classroom is only one element in the virtual training experience and becomes most effective when used as a tool in the wider learning journey. Pre and post exercises, self-study time, and even assessments help to galvanize the learning message.
- Why am I here? Communicating the purpose of your virtual training program is vital for learner engagement. Once your objectives are clear sharing this with your audience should be easy. If your delegates are unsure as to why they’re there or what the outcome will be chances are they’ll be little more than silent observers.
- Switch it up Similar to the traditional classroom approach having a change of presenter or facilitator as part of a virtual training session can help maintain the pace. A well-placed guest speaker can add gravitas, useful insight, and kudos to the digital learning experience.
Less is best. Just as 5 minutes is the maximum time for anyone speaker to have the floor, a virtual training session should ideally be kept to less than 2 hours. An entire day of presenting is draining for the facilitator and will almost certainly result in the audience wondering off to do other things. Allow time for ‘settling in’ at the start of a session and questions at the end but avoid protracted discussions and debates where ever and whenever possible.